
Magnus Energy’s Technical Advisory event

It is not that common that so many bright minds from TSOs, DSOs, market participants and operators, regulators and the European Commission gather to discuss some of the most pressing challenges of the energy transition: system adequacy and stability. On 16 January, Magnus Energy organised an event for these experts. The outcomes of the discussion are now available.

Experts from TSOs, DSOs, market participants and operators, regulators and the European Commission discussed under Chatham House rules. We discussed the different dimensions of security of supply in terms of timeframes, geography, and stakeholder integration. The event participants shared their views on the main questions and pressing issues related to societal, technical, market-design-specific and organisational issues of the energy transition.


Three presenters offered their views on system adequacy and stability. The first presentation covered system adequacy, its assessment, and the role of capacity markets in the future electricity market design based on the German, Belgian and Dutch experience. The second presenter introduced the evolution of transmission and distribution system operators’ relations, priorities, and coordination approaches concerning congestion management. Finally, the third presentation established a link between congestion management and the balancing processes of the TSO.

Discussion rounds

Based on the presentations, the subsequent discussion rounds were centred around capacity mechanisms, TSO-DSO coordination - and their main concerns, the (future) role of demand response, the need for additional (locational) incentives for flexibility providers and others.

 You can find a reflection of the discussion in the downloadable report. 

Industry Topics

Flexibility,  Market Coupling, Market Integration


Energy Modelling & Strategies


Ksenia Tolstrup

Principal +31 85 7430519
